may to august part 2: june
this june was crazy. of course it started out in san francisco with the family, then i flew straight to missouri for conference. good time with some good old friends. i hung out with my old roommate rebekah and her cousin dane, had dinner with my best friend from high school at 40 sardines where her boyfriend was singing that night, went bow shopping with chad (oh, how fun.....) and basically wore myself out even more than i was when i arrived. you know when you are just getting to know someone and you stay up all night talking about everything you can think of? well, there were a few nights of that. and then of course when you know someone almost as well as you know yourself but have to stay up all night anyway because you haven't seen eachother in a while? there was also some of that. in any case, it was fun and really worth the trip...a cause for a little soul searching, but that is ok as well, i suppose.
when i got home, i set to work on this great button hole bag from mason dixon knitting. i really love the way that it turned out. here are pictures of it before felting and then after the first felt. i haven't taken photos of the finished product, but i will have to do that soon.