Wednesday, January 25, 2006


It seems as if I never find the time to post about anything significant. I think about it occasionally, think about what I might write about. During the 12 or so mind-numbing hours a day that I am at work, I think of all the things I would like to write down, but then I get home and am so exhausted that I never have the motivation to get anything down in print.
If I had the time or energy, I would tell you what I have been up to, what work as been crazy and what has been good. How I am closing one company and starting another. I would tell you about falling so hard for someone that I am spinning on a daily basis...and how that is the most perplexing and agrivating situation I have found myself in for the longest time.
I'd tell you about the new opening at the gallery, probems with kids at school, and a fall full of traveling and fun.
But for now, this is all that I can write. Maybe some day, when I am not burning the candle at both ends as well as in the middle, I can really tell you all the things I just meandered on about. Until then...